Using Affirmations for Self Help
affirmation card: the power of the Universe by annmackiemiller |
I made up this card using a photo I took of the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth Scotland because it reminded me of the joy of natural things that surround us. In my striving for a healthier lifestyle I am reminded that the universe provides me with all I need. The people that come into my life - and yours - are exactly those that support me or have come to teach me something. All around are simple joys to enjoy - the birds on my bird feeders, the cat lying in my lap as I try to type this around her. And the messages - well - I believe the Universe is our guide and sends us messages - as it does when you use affirmation cards as a tool for self -help and divination. I'll be writing more about Signs, Symbols and Synchronisitic in anther post.
Yesterday in considering my affirmation I realised that I am happy in my isolation - Today this card appeared to remind me that although that is so - I am never really alone and today I am rejoicing in the peace and inner calm this realization brings me.
This is a lovely and thought provoking post Ann. You know i read your affirmation card several times over, it is so beautiful and makes so much sense. I understand what you mean about simple joys. I wish you happiness, peace and calm and joy every day.